
Friday, October 21, 2011

Yearly Updates

 I want to make sure I get a page done after each of K's (& future children's) birthdays that is a little update about them & what they are doing at that age.
Here are K's first two update pages:

Doing these two pages back to back made me realize just how much she has changed in the past year. It's crazy! I didn't realize she had gotten 10 new teeth in a year, or just how much more interested in everything around her she is.
 Again I used the same style of paper from Fine & Dandy as I did on my last MWM (2nd Haircut).
It was perfect for these pages, simple enough to let the pictures and journalling stand out, but not plain.


  1. The paper looks great with the pictures! You did amazing!

  2. This is just awesome! Very inspiring to do pages like these! I need to remember her 1st year now! They are so beautifully done too! Thank you SO MUCH for the idea!!

  3. Thanks girls! Amanda, I had to go back through her baby book and calendar to find a lot of the info on the first year page! It was harder to remember than I expected it to be!


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