
Monday, February 20, 2012


Practical Scrappers is featuring quilt-themed layouts on their blog today, go check it out! (click {here} to go to the post)
Here is my page for today, it was a lot of fun to do!
The quilt blocks are white cardstock that I masked and misted with Chalkboard Glimmer Mists.
The doilies are also misted with the same product.

Do you ever have a picture that you know you want to scrap, but it just sits on your desk for ages until you find the inspiration to do something with it? That was me with this picture. It was taken at my husband's 10 year high school reunion, by our friend. I really love the picture. It shows off my daughter's crooked, cheesy grin that she had for quite a while at this stage.  :)

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