
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Scrapbook Steals Blog Hop! {& giveaway!}

Welcome! My favourite place to shop for scrapbook supplies is hosting a blog hop this weekend and I am lucky enough to be a part of it!
If you came here from Katrina Hunt's blog, you are on the right track. If not, please head over to the Scrapbook Steals blog and start at the beginning.

The product that we were able work with is the My Mind's Eye, Journal Card Kit.
There are so many fun things you can do with these cards, as you will see over the course of the hop.

My Project
One thing I dislike a lot is trying to decide what we will have for supper every single night (I am really indecisive and so is my husband. Our daughter is not, but if it were up to her we would eat Kraft Dinner for every meal. No thanks!) I have been thinking of making a chart or calendar to help me plan out our meals, but most of the ones I have seen are just blank charts that still require me to sit down and try to decide what we will eat, and I just know that I would not do it. When I saw these tags, the wheels started turning, and I came up with a menu calendar system of my own that takes a lot of the thinking out of meal planning.
 I went to our local thrift store and found the perfect frame for 25 cents. The only problem was the colour, so I went to Home Depot and bought a sample container of the colour I wanted for $5. After the frame was painted, I traced the frame onto a piece of cardboard and a sheet of patterned paper from My Mind's Eye Lush and cut them out and used double sided tape to stick them together. I then cut out some vinyl lettering with my Silhouette machine, hot glued some dollar store clips to the paper, and hot glued the paper and cardboard into the frame. A little bit of baker's twine added a fun touch to the clips.

On the back of the frame, I used my Silhouette machine again to cut out some library pockets to keep the extra cards in so they are always organized and handy. I also hot glued some magnets onto the frame so it can be stuck right on my fridge.

I wrote one meal on each of the cards, and wrote "Something New" on one of them for those  delicious new recipes found on Pinterest and other places :)
(I wanted to be able to try out new recipes to make sure my family liked them before I made a new card for them)
My mom had a great suggestion that I think I'm going to do for some of the cards. She suggested I print out the recipe stick it on the back of the card so it's right there. How handy is that?!

So now, once a week I look through the cards and choose 7 to be moved to the front of the board. One goes in the "Today" clip, one in the "Tomorrow" clip, and the rest go in the "This Week" clip and they can be moved up the board as the week progresses. Then the only thing I have to think about choosing that day is a vegetable to go with the meal. I can handle that ;)

I love the fun pop of colour it adds to my kitchen!

Make sure you leave a comment at each stop to be entered into the draw from Scrapbook Steals.
I will also randomly choose a lucky commenter who is also a follower of my blog and mail off a great little prize as well. So make sure you become a follower by clicking the blue "Join this site" button in the right sidebar, and please leave your email address so I can contact you!
The giveaways will close on Sunday, May 13 at 11:59 MST. I will announce the winner here on my blog on Monday, May 14.

Here is a list of the remaining stops on the hop
Chloe Salerno <--Go here next!

Happy hopping!


  1. GREAT idea!!! Hugs, Katrina (don't enter me in the giveaway!!)

  2. Oh wow!! I LOVE this!! Great idea!!

  3. I have had a conversation about meal planning with about 3 other people recently, we all struggle with it! Great job on finding a solution that works for you, and a cute project to boot!

  4. Now, that's an awesome idea Brett !!! It's sooo very pretty too !! Love it great job <3

  5. What a great idea Brett! And I like that you used a fun thrift store find for it.

  6. What a great idea! Love your moms suggestion often times I try a new recipe and can't remember where I put it and now it will be in one handy little spot! This would make a great wedding gift too!

  7. I too hate trying to figure out what to make for dinner and this is so cute to have hanging in the kitchen! Thanks for the great idea!

  8. That is a great idea, I am the same way. Thanks for a the inspiration

  9. I love your dinner idea! Thanks for sharing it! I'm a follower!

  10. It's always fun to see how people re-purpose old frames...and you were so clever about this one! A menu board...AWESOME!

  11. Oh, yea! I just followed your blog, too :)

  12. The menu board is a great idea and you seem to be quite organized in the kitchen realm with awesome menu planning.
    Thanks for the idea.

  13. Holy tags Brett! This is a fun project - my kids will love to have the opportunity to work on this with me - LOVE IT!!!

  14. Brilliant!! And so beautiful. I was more and more impressed as I read through the story. The magnets so it can go on the fridge, and your mom's suggestion is just perfect. Thank you for sharing.

  15. What a great idea! I'm going to have to make this! Thx!

  16. Love it! I have been wanting to do one of these but have been a little intimidated by it. Thanks for making it simple!

  17. This is such a cute project and I love that you have the little pockets to store the different meals on the back. Very clever!

  18. What an awesome idea! Love it Brett!

  19. Brett - What a clever idea! And, your mom is on the right track with the suggestion to add the recipe to the back of the card! LOVE!

  20. Boy do I understand the dinner to and fro! Really great idea.

  21. Very cute meal planner idea! :)

  22. I love this! Going to pin it to try myself. :)

  23. cute idea.its good to know we all have the same problem with what to make for dinner!!!!

  24. Wow! I absolutely LOVE this idea! We always say, "What's for dinner tonight?!" We head into the kitchen just to stare into the pantry clueless. I love that you mad a menu board so there is no question about dinner! Absolutely fab!

  25. Brett that is so creative! Love it.


  26. this idea is FAULOUS!!! we have the same problem at our house ALL the time!

  27. Oh. My. Goodness. What a WONDERFUL way to use journaling cards!!! I just may have to make one for myself ;)

  28. Such a great idea! We have the same problem at our house, and this would be a cute solution.

  29. What a great way to meal plan!
    Nichol Tran

  30. Nice idea, pick dinner out of a hat!

  31. Definitely want to try this!!!!

  32. Totaling am in love with this idea since my biggest problem is remembering to take out the met to defrost. A visual aid like this will let me remember in advance what to take out to cook. And the recipes on the back...well that just makes it better since I can't cook without recipes. (hehe)

  33. i love that idea! i also HATE having to always decide what to make and likewise both my husband and i are very indecisive! this is the perfect idea to get us away from eating the same thing over and over! def following you!

  34. Oh, what a great idea for meal planning! And certainly a lot better looking than my old whiteboard calendar!! I'm now a follower, too, and looking forward to seeing some more great ideas- thanks!

  35. Wow Brett! What a great idea! It turned out so pretty too! I love it! And should you need to contact email address is: akwilliams76 at gmail dot com. ;o)

  36. What a CLEVER idea! Love it!!!

  37. Now that is a great idea. I struggle with what to make as I'm by myself. If I had this system I wouldn't spend so much time trying to decide what to make. I also like how you made this project without needing to spend so much money. What a great idea to recycle. Thanks so much!

  38. Such a smart idea Brett. I love to meal plan also, but just have a crappy book that I use. This is beautiful, and perfect to place on the fridge!!!! Can't wait to make one myself!!!!
    And I already happily follow you wonderful blog!!!!

  39. I've been meaning to make something similar for awhile now, thanks for the inspiration! I'm already a follower on your blog :)

  40. Such a great idea! Well done! I'm your newest follower.

  41. What a WONDERFUL idea! I definitely will have to think about doing something like this! I'm a terrible meal planner and we end up trying to figure out what we're going to eat at the last minute all the time. I should definitely do something like this along with my recipe book project together since they go hand in hand! Thanks for getting the wheels spinning for me, Brett!

  42. What a great project! You're so organized, and this will be wonderful for your kitchen too. WTG!

  43. Ditto to all the comments. You are amazing! Love your latest project. It is a really great idea.

    Love you, mom

  44. Hi Brett- Glad to see you on the blog hop as I've seen your MCM cards each week! Very creative with getting the frame and making something so useful.

  45. That's a awesome idea! And that frame you got is just lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. This is such a great idea!!! I will definitely be scraplifitng this!!! I want to use this idea to help stay on track with healthier eating habits!!

  48. Very creative and innovative! Thanks for sharing and for a chance to win.
    Karen L

  49. Oh. My. Word...what a darling project! I'm a "follower" of your blog.

  50. Great project! I totally need something like this. Thanks for the inspiration!

  51. Great project Brett! Thanks for sharing!

  52. Brett, this is fantastic! I love the finished product! What a brilliant idea!

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. I love projects that let me whip out my hot glue gun. This would also make a great cleaning chart. Now my wheels are turning!

  55. neat idea. thank you for sharing. rush88888 at gmail dot com

  56. Very cute and useful it!

  57. What a great idea?? Thanks for sharing.

  58. Now that is a super cute idea, i love it!!! Loving the bloghop! Thank you and thank you for the chance to win :)

  59. What a neat idea, I love dollar store transformations! Thanks for the chance to win I'm now following you,

  60. What a great idea! This is a big problem in our house too. I love it!

  61. I can't believe it! I love the idea. I'm all for projects that are useful, that I can display my scrapping skills, organize, and can use as decoration also! I have some recipe card stamps that I can use on mine! Thanks for the "eye-dear" to plan out my menus. I can also take the cards to the store for grocery shopping--humm... need to make a grocery/recipe folder to bring to the store with me!

  62. What a great idea. Love how you used the tags. I also became a follower of your blog. Thanks for the chance to win.

  63. What super fun ideas! Love the menu clipboard :)

  64. I really love the menu cards. I might have to try something like that. Thanks for sharing this.

  65. Ok this is a BRILLIANT project/ idea!!! Looks wonderful and didn't cost much - LOVE IT! Meal planning in our household is usually a last minute thing and your project takes the thinking and planning out YAY and THANKS!! :)

  66. OMG, what a fantastic idea!!! I keep saying, YES, every part of your post that I read - its like I was writing it myself!!! Such a GREAT idea to do this, I definitely think I will be lifting this idea from you - thanks for the inspiration!! I'm a new follower!

    kimbean20 at gmail dot com

  67. What a great idea, Brett! I love the pockets on the back. I may just have to lift your idea. ;-)

  68. I love this project. Today, I saw a stack of chalkboard paper and how awesome that would be to use those in this project as well. I really love the thrift store transformation project and am inspired to try my own!

  69. Brett, you are so talented!!


Thanks for leaving a comment, I love reading them! :)